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Tuesday 5 May 2015

**Week hiatus**


Due to new stock coming in this week we will be unable to post any blog posts this week. We apologise for this and can assure you we will back to posting next Monday.
Be sure to see what's new on our eBay store at
Have a great week!! 

Friday 1 May 2015


This Friday we have decided to cover volume 25 of Spotlight magazine which is about Bret Hart.

Spotlight magazine was a series of magazine specials that came out between 1988 and 1995. There were 28 volumes in total, each profiling a certain superstar. Bret Hart had 3 individual volumes of Spotlight (numbers 5, 18 and 25) and was included in the Hart Foundation issue (volume 11). Each issue of Spotlight came with a double sided giant poster and was filled with information about the superstar in the spotlight. The volumes vary in rarity with the first few and last couple being the rarest presumably due to availability and how many were purchased at the time. There was no difference between issues available in the UK, Canada and America.

The first page is a note from the publisher introducing the magazine and discussing Bret Hart. 

The first big article starts straight after that. Entitled Hart and Soul, Hitman's Journey, it is a retrospective on Bret Hart. It starts talking about Stu and the dungeon and continues on to discuss when Bret won the WWF Championship belt from Ric Flair. It then continues a walk through of his career over 10 pages ending at Wrestlemania 10. 

The next two pages are a spotlight trivia quiz on Bret Hart. The questions span his family, first title win, note worthy points in his career and more. There are 30 questions to be answered.

The next part of the magazine is the 1994 merchandise catalog, this is 12 pages long and features superstars such as Doink, Razor Ramon, Lex Luger and more.

In the centre of the catalog is the poster.

Next up is a short two page article on the art of Hart. Featuring artwork by Bret Hart.

Following on from this is a 4 page article called Bret comments on blasts from the past. In it Bret Hart talks about note worthy moments in his career.

Moving on from this is a five page article called Comments on the Hitman, In it other superstars give their opinion on Bret Hart, featuring superstars such as Lex Luger, Johnny Polo (Raven), Doink, Adam Bomb, Ted DiBiase, 1-2-3 Kid and more. Each is a very short paragraph with an accompanying photo of the superstar.

The last section is Bret Harts private confessions. Three pages long, Bret talks about Owen and his family life.

This issue and many more issues of Spotlight magazine are available right now on our eBay store, be sure to check it out. 

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If you want to see a certain issue reviewed, let us know, we will be back on Tuesday with a new review, be sure to come back and take a look!

Have a great Bank Holiday weekend!