This Friday we have decided to cover volume 25 of Spotlight magazine which is about Bret Hart.
Spotlight magazine was a series of magazine specials that came out between 1988 and 1995. There were 28 volumes in total, each profiling a certain superstar. Bret Hart had 3 individual volumes of Spotlight (numbers 5, 18 and 25) and was included in the Hart Foundation issue (volume 11). Each issue of Spotlight came with a double sided giant poster and was filled with information about the superstar in the spotlight. The volumes vary in rarity with the first few and last couple being the rarest presumably due to availability and how many were purchased at the time. There was no difference between issues available in the UK, Canada and America.
The first page is a note from the publisher introducing the magazine and discussing Bret Hart.
The first big article starts straight after that. Entitled Hart and Soul, Hitman's Journey, it is a retrospective on Bret Hart. It starts talking about Stu and the dungeon and continues on to discuss when Bret won the WWF Championship belt from Ric Flair. It then continues a walk through of his career over 10 pages ending at Wrestlemania 10.
The next two pages are a spotlight trivia quiz on Bret Hart. The questions span his family, first title win, note worthy points in his career and more. There are 30 questions to be answered.
The next part of the magazine is the 1994 merchandise catalog, this is 12 pages long and features superstars such as Doink, Razor Ramon, Lex Luger and more.
In the centre of the catalog is the poster.
Next up is a short two page article on the art of Hart. Featuring artwork by Bret Hart.
Following on from this is a 4 page article called Bret comments on blasts from the past. In it Bret Hart talks about note worthy moments in his career.
Moving on from this is a five page article called Comments on the Hitman, In it other superstars give their opinion on Bret Hart, featuring superstars such as Lex Luger, Johnny Polo (Raven), Doink, Adam Bomb, Ted DiBiase, 1-2-3 Kid and more. Each is a very short paragraph with an accompanying photo of the superstar.
The last section is Bret Harts private confessions. Three pages long, Bret talks about Owen and his family life.
This issue and many more issues of Spotlight magazine are available right now on our eBay store, be sure to check it out.
If you want to see a certain issue reviewed, let us know, we will be back on Tuesday with a new review, be sure to come back and take a look!
Have a great Bank Holiday weekend!
Wrestling was much better back then in the 80s. Too bad that so many wrestlers no longer wear the two-colored boots they wore back then. Too bad that so many ladies cover their cleavage in the audience. The paid wrestlers always knot their laces under the tongues of their boots that is never mentioned on the nonprimitive mechanism that is the internet.
ReplyDeleteIt is too easy to see more violent wrestlers sinning against God by fighting for money which means they are listening to the devils and Beelzebub but less common to see a lot of comments here.
ReplyDeleteThis magazine they have here is better than what is out there nowadays.
ReplyDeleteNo wrestlers are original like Bret Hart anymore.
ReplyDeleteIt is too bad that wrestlers these days do not even use gimmicks anymore and that in Stamford Connecticut they do not even accept that anymore giving them gimmicks creating what they call characters.
ReplyDeleteToo bad that female wrestlers do not wear what appear to be one-piece bikinis as their clothes for wrestling anymore like the Fabulous Moolah used to do.
ReplyDeleteSuch a pity how many earthlings around the world must be looking at this blog right now and are not smart enough to say anything like I am leaving a comment here. Why is that?
ReplyDeleteThat is a hidden talent that Bret has that he can draw pictures just as Lou Albano also has a hidden talent. Lou can play a piano. Too bad millions of earthlings cannot learn of this without having to use this nonprimitive mechanism known to earthlings as the internet.
ReplyDeleteIt would seem to me that they only thing they have done on the nonprimitive internet is to make a generalization about people who are scarred with tattoos when they are transformed into animals that supposedly they are more selfless, etc. just because of their tattoos than those do not have tattoos which is a ridiculous for anyone to mention that on this nonprimitive mechanism they call the internet.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame that Vincent listened to the devils and acted like the Devil when he robbed those people in W.C.W. of their livelihoods and put W.C.W. out of business. What a shame that someone had to listen to the devils and their leader who is Beelzebub which is what World Wildlife Fund did. And now just because of that unfortunately now they call it instead world wrestling entertainment. They ought to go back to using the old name of World Wrestling Federation instead of what they call it now.
ReplyDeleteJust saying that alone shows how sexually perverted wrestling today has become. That is worse than when Ravishing Rick Rude was alive and wrestling in the W.W.F. and W.C.W.
ReplyDeleteHave any female wrestlers done that? It is a possibility. Because they would have never done that years ago what I just mentioned here. Anyone should think about that. Just as no one can question for example when television got worse without relegating a question about that to the nonprimitive mechanism that is the internet.
ReplyDeleteWhat I mentioned never happened to Scott Steiner when Scarlett Bordeaux supposedly was going to dance on his one-eyed willy make him ejaculate in his underwear and pants. Well, that should be obvious now after what has been said. Cuz ladies and gentlemen that is what a lap dance really is. It is nothing more than masturbation without men using their hands.
ReplyDeleteBret Hart would have morals and would never do that as a wrestler. He unlike Steiner would never act like a guy going to a den of iniquity called a strip joint and lower his moral standards just for some cheap thrills there or anywhere else for all that is concerned. No one never hears about pro wrestlers going to harlots to pay for something else when they can get that for free from their girlfriends and wives.
ReplyDeleteOther men who are wrestlers would never lower their moral standards and have women make them stain their underwear and pants by dry humping them like what Scott Steiner failed to do with the comely Scarlett.
ReplyDeleteNorth America wastes a lot of time, money and energy on making sure nearly the whole population do not have actual homes to live in. A good example of a storyline like this is Nailz the guy that Big Boss Man versed but he was not a real convict. He was just acting, but everyone was too stupid to see that. He was in plain English pretending to be a convict wearing a prison uniform. All of those guys are homeless without being homeless while wandering and begging aimlessly because of everyone's apathy and indifference. They do not live in their real homes but instead in Satan's zoos they call prisons and jails. It is the same problem different thing. There are other ways that people have their homes and apartments taken from them such as putting old and young people in group care homes when the grandparents are just a burden to their families and their young people someone decides to listen to the devils commit the sin of making up lies and threatens them with imprisonment while driving home at night so they are forced against their will into a hotel and afterward a residential home. None of that is moral or remotely Christian. They used to have a wrestler named Friar Tuck. Just as slaves were made into homeless jailbirds but no one on television wants to talk about that.
ReplyDeleteWhere Tony Halm is from, they wised up and stopped turning their people into homeless wandering beggars. I wonder why people in North America never grew up like they did there and also in Japan where they stopped killing their own people and where they also cleaned up their countries which of course Japan is unpolluted.
ReplyDeleteRic Martel, Jim and Bret all wore pink. I remember that now.
ReplyDeleteNobody never questions what professional wrestling would be like if all of those athletes wore hats and everyone in their audiences wore hats. Because all of those guys and gals are athletes.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen women wear hats when they are bowling making the sign of the horns when they are holding and rolling those bowling balls to violently hit those pins when they attempt to knock down all ten pins which is impossible to do every time without fail.
ReplyDeleteWhat if audiences today that watched professional wrestling, bowling and ice hockey were wearing hats like they did in the olden days?
ReplyDeleteSheamus wears a hat these days.
ReplyDeleteHe never did that before. Perhaps he only chose to do that recently and never wore a hat years ago before he became a paid wrestler in the Worldly Wrestling Federation.
ReplyDeletePeople would never question why they would call Bret Hart the hitman for. A hitman is someone who is paid to kill people. That is bad even though people always cheered for him every time he went to the ring.
ReplyDeleteThat changed when he joined that faction in Worldly Championship Wrestling, they call the New World Order or in this case the N.W.O. The audience gave him a lot of boos when he joined the N.W.O.
ReplyDeleteYokozuna got a tainted victory since he had to cheat by way of outside interference from Mr. Fuji throwing salt in Bret's eyes when he had Yokozuna in the Boston crab.
ReplyDeleteThis means he was a cheater.
ReplyDeleteWrestlers today unfortunately no longer use foreign objects to win their matches by cheating.
ReplyDeleteI would have to wonder why so many people without the nonprimitive mechanism called the internet being invented have ever questioned why the WWF no longer makes and sells video tapes they call coliseum home video for.
ReplyDeleteJean Paul Levesque used to play a character who wore outdated clothes and wore a ponytail with a bow. I think I forgot the name of that character he played. That is what makes paid wrestlers similar to actors. They usually have to play characters.
ReplyDeleteI remember now it was Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
ReplyDeleteWhen paid wrestlers have to use gimmicks, it is similar to actors and actresses playing characters.
ReplyDeleteDusty Rhodes wore a mask that covered his head and face. Why would he do that for?
ReplyDeleteBret Hart looked quite original when he was wrestling wearing those glasses.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why all the comments here are dated. What? And why always with the time next to all the comments for anyway? Huh? They never do that elsewhere on this nonprimitive internet.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed that now he had a violent wrestler as a referee in one of his matches who I think his last name is Toombs. He wore a skirt they call it a kilt. That rhymes with tilt.
ReplyDeleteI have seen Randy Orton at Hooters with those pictures being shown on the nonprimitive mechanism they call the internet.
ReplyDeleteThose waitresses sit on men's thighs like it is going out of style. Because if they do that is a rarity. As a matter of fact, two waitresses will stand between men who are customers just like they would with women who are customers. They can also pose with them sitting on chairs, but they never have two waitresses sitting on one man's thighs.
ReplyDeleteLou Albano's hidden talent is that he is a pianist. And Bret is an artist.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen anyone who is famous pose with the waitresses at that restaurant that is named tilted kilt.
ReplyDeleteWhen people commit the sin of violently punching each other in the face with clenched fists and even less punching each other's stomachs they never even had those women who posed for a sinful, immoral and unholy pornographic magazine called perfect 10 hitting each other's stomachs. They never even did any ducking and dodging. All they did is hit each other's faces while wearing headgear. And that probably was the worst idea they had since I brought it up that they had that brawl for it all in the Worldly Wrestling Federation.
ReplyDeleteWhen they had Butterbean have a fight with Bart Gunn that must have been one of the worst ideas they had in years. That was no better than when Gorilla Monsoon fought with Cassius Clay who became a Muslim and turned his back on God by not being a Christian anymore.
ReplyDeleteMichael Buffer, I remember seeing in WCW but not in the WWF.
ReplyDeleteOne word they could say today like it is going out of style is bespeckled. Perhaps that means wearing glasses.
ReplyDeleteThat one wrestler calling himself Baron Corbin does not have any real gimmick calling himself baron. I think that is the rank of a noble. But he does not portray that character like what an actor does. If he was baron, he would have to look like a man of nobility.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing they can say like it is going out of style is them resorting to fisticuffs as they call it.
ReplyDeleteThat's another idea.
ReplyDeleteI have heard about that when someone has long hair, they may say mop. No one would never know how to question that without relegating that to the nonprimitive internet calling someone's long hair a mop.
ReplyDeleteIf Bret was the good guy, I would have to wonder why they would give him the name of someone who is a malefactor. Why would they want to call him the hitman for? Nancy Kerrigan was violently attacked by a hitman because Tonya Harding did that to her.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting that they would name his submission hold he used that they call the Boston crab the sharpshooter. Ric Martel used the Boston crab to win his matches.
ReplyDeleteIf Martel, Hart and Neidhart fought each other would have been an interesting match since they all wore pink when they were wrestling.
ReplyDeleteThis has never been thought of before.
ReplyDeleteHakushi wore white and the Undertaker wore black. How come they never had a match against each other?
ReplyDeleteLugar once had a fake funeral where he claimed the total package is dead and that now he is just Lex Lugar.
ReplyDeleteThat happened in the WCW a few years ago before the WWF bought the WCW. Too bad that happened
ReplyDeleteWhat happened back then in wrestling does not happen anymore today.
ReplyDeleteNo one thinks of it that way anymore.
ReplyDeleteGone are the glory days of pro wrestling. Nobody has seen it like that anymore. The magazines they have here is no exception.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame that as usual everyone is playing stupid not leaving comments here underneath the photographs of Bret Hart in the WWF magazine.
ReplyDeleteHe lived up to his name when he said that he is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.
ReplyDeleteI admire Bret's drawings.
ReplyDeleteOne movie they have on about Noah's ark does not make sense since they cannot keep to one subject.
ReplyDeleteWhen movies do not stick to the subject matter does not make sense.
ReplyDeleteThis movie named Noah's ark that is a drama unfortunately instead of being a religious movie about a bible story is no exception. That movie makes no sense at all. It is ridiculous to watch it with how they are trying to make comparisons to back then with now.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with that is God ended the world back then. Unfortunately, He has not ended it now.
ReplyDeleteJust as there should be multiple comments here without end without one person doing all the work that everyone else should be doing.
ReplyDeleteSometimes that is a recurring problem on the nonprimitive internet when there are blogs where numerous people ought to be commenting instead of having one person live their lives for them by doing all of the commenting, they should be doing for them.
ReplyDeleteThat is such a ridiculous thing to see even here but no one who looks at this blog really seems to care about the consequences of their action when they go here and never say a word about Bret, Shawn or the Undertaker. Why don't y'all say something?
ReplyDeleteI remember them saying how some of these wrestlers are past their prime.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame that people are not saying anything here.
ReplyDeleteBret had a lot of good memories in the WWF. But I think some of his bad memories is what Vince did to him including Owen's death.
ReplyDeleteThey probably still advertise video games in the WWF magazines today.
ReplyDeleteThey have made I do not know how many video games about the WCW and WWF. But I am sure it is over twelve video games of professional wrestling for over more than two nonprimitive mechanisms they call video game systems.
ReplyDeleteComputerized games of wrestling they can never make so that it replicates perfectly what happens in real life.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who is watching that movie Noah's ark that has the actress Dolores Costello and the actor George O'Brien ought to be laughing at this at how ridiculous the story is.
ReplyDeleteAdam who uses the stage name Edge was once called the demon slayer in WCW.
ReplyDeleteI do not remember having a magazine with Bret's photo on it.
ReplyDeleteBret's brother Owen must have wrestled at the O'Neil Center a few years ago. At least that is what I can remember.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone ever wondered why the WCW named their pay per view war games for?
ReplyDeleteI remember that now. Some of the commentators used to wear those headphones with those mics next to their mouths. Why would they do that for?
ReplyDeleteThey would do that in the army.
ReplyDeleteThey never even did that when Craig Pittman and Cobra had a violent fight together in the ring.
ReplyDeleteHow senseless is the movie Noah's ark starring Dolores Costello Barrymore and George O'Brien anyway? if they are talking inaudibly one minute like it is a silent movie and the next minute, they are talking audibly with voices that are heard makes no sense at all.
ReplyDeleteThat is a senseless movie on television. They quote bible verses from the book of Genesis. But that does mean this movie I am watching now makes sense. Because it does not make sense.
ReplyDeleteThat movie should have stuck to one time period instead of doing ancient times and modern times.
ReplyDeleteThat would have made more sense than showing life in ancient times and modern times.
DeleteIt is like they are changing the subject.
ReplyDeleteSome movies never make sense. Just as wrestling today supposedly being fake and scripted does not make sense. Since they no longer have gimmick, managers, use foreign objects and carry anything with them down to the ring.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why here when another comment is put here that word terms has to keep reappearing here for. What's up with that?
ReplyDeleteAnd the word service. What's up with that? They used to have a store named Service Merchandise that was open. I do not know right now if that many of their stores are open. But I am sure they are still open and are selling stuff to people.
ReplyDeleteThis is so repetitive when they keep showing the same words over and over again before I comment again.
ReplyDeleteThis movie reminds of Samson and Delilah starring Victor Mature and Deborah Kerr.
ReplyDeleteBret and Owen had a match together I remember. Too bad he died doing something he should have said no to.
ReplyDeleteIf he would not have put his life in jeopardy like that who knows how old Owen Hart would be today.
ReplyDeleteThat is something no one questions how old a lot of them would have been if they had not died young.
ReplyDeleteThe longer I watch this movie the less sense it makes.
ReplyDeleteDoes TCM make movies that do not make sense? Perhaps this movie about Noah is such a movie.
ReplyDeleteNeidhart and Hart were a really good tag team back in the eighties.
ReplyDeleteI would wonder why they would call him hitman for if they know that is someone who is paid to kill people. That is what hitmen do. That is also the name of a PlayStation game. The name of the character in that game is agent 47. That is bad and yet it is ironic they cheer for Bret Hart but when he joined the NWO in WCW he got a chorus of boos.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how much he has gotten over with the fans nobody questions why they use the word hitman before his first name and last name.
ReplyDeleteA good guy with a bad name. That does not make sense.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Kevin Thorn dyed his hair blonde when McMahon gave him the Mordecai gimmick. I just noticed that now.
ReplyDeleteJean Paul Levesque, Dave Bautista and Randy Orton got lucky when Levesque made Bill Goldberg hit his head against the mat to get the pinfall victory after Dave Bautista power bombed him.
ReplyDeleteIn that match that was three against one which is Bill Goldberg versing Jean Paul Levesque, Dave Bautista and Randy Orton. I saw one young lady's cleavage in the audience after Kane choke slammed Bill.
ReplyDeleteDeuce and Domino were a tag team I remember. They had a good gimmick I do not think they wrestled for that long of a time. They had a feud for a while with Paul London and Brian Kendrick.
ReplyDeleteI think those guys look like they are from the seventies but so did the honky tonk man when he wanted to be an Elvis impersonator.
ReplyDeleteI forgot those two guys are probably related to Jimmy Snuka and they had a young lady who is pretty as their manager who always had roller skates on even though she did not look like she was that good of a roller skater.
ReplyDeleteThe Honky Tonk Man would never entertain the idea of teaming with Deuce and Domino. But they would make for an interesting tag team since they all look like they are from the seventies or perhaps if it is those two young men with the leather jackets, they have the sixties look. Just as Demolition had a third man added to their team Deuce and Domino could have added the Honky Tonk Man to their team. That means they would be a three-man tag team.
ReplyDeleteRoman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins who called themselves the Shield were a three-man tag team. Too bad they stopped being a three-man tag team. I am sorry they stopped teaming up together to fight their opponents that way.
ReplyDeleteThe movie I am looking at on TCM that is called Bullets or Ballots showed them going to Madison Square Garden to watch a boxing match, but they never showed the names of the boxers or who won and who lost. Muhammed Ali got his clock cleaned by Gorilla Monsoon.
ReplyDeleteI don't often act like a zombie. But when I can I follow the example of the wrestler named the zombie. That is the truth.
ReplyDeleteNot many menfolk and womenfolk would share the taste of candy together.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that is not being said the way people think.
ReplyDeleteSome people never can tell the difference.
ReplyDeleteIts true. Even if something else here is being inferred.
ReplyDeleteNo one would know unless they put on their thinking caps.
ReplyDeleteThat is a helmet used in the PlayStation game Diablo.
ReplyDeleteI rule North America and their government that they blindly follow.
ReplyDeleteThere are too many blind followers in North America and unfortunately most other countries follow the same example.
DeleteLet Christians keep listening to me and the demons by erasing and removing comments, not caring about nature, etc.
ReplyDeleteI would tempt people to say put up your dukes as do my friends that are demons because we know that means they will sin against God and be trapped and tortured in hell where we live for eternity.
ReplyDeleteHe is right. Because that is what the devils do.
DeleteFantasia used that church song Toccata and Fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach. That is a cartoon that was created by Walt Disney.
ReplyDeleteThey had an orchestra play Toccata and Fugue in D minor in that cartoon.
ReplyDeleteThick hot chocolate is something to try.
ReplyDeleteThey have a cartoon named gravity falls.
ReplyDeleteI do not know why they would name it that for. But that was their choice to do that.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I have heard them say that real men wear pink.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing Bret in WCW. But he never mentioned when he jumped ship from the WWF to hightail it out of there to join the mutiny against the WWF that is the WCW.
ReplyDeleteThat is also a movie. It is named the Mutiny on the Bounty.
ReplyDeleteI heard of Little Red Riding Hood.
ReplyDeleteWhy did Aldo Nova have to be a copycat and copy Jefferson Starship's song Jane with different lyrics and a different title calling it Fantasy for anyway?
ReplyDeleteThis is senseless. Would the AEW punish their own employed athletes for being nice like they do to residents in a residential home? I don't think so. I never saw that happen when it comes to athletes especially when that is their occupation.
DeleteI never saw Randy wear red, white and blue with white polka dots on his black wrestling pants. I wonder what match he had when he was dressed like that. If he has fringes on the sleeves of his jacket those fringes look really long. But he likes to wear clothes, hats and boots that are gaudy. Diane Bish wears gaudy clothes as does Liberace in like manner to what Randy and Diane does.
ReplyDeleteJamie Hayter is a comely lady.
ReplyDeleteJack Swagger looks like he just jumped ship to the AEW after abandoning Vincent McMahon and the WWF for greener pastures. It is as if he moved onto bigger and better things elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteHe kicked a soccer ball into the goal, and it bounced out of the goal and he kicked it back into the goal the second time just to kick it back into the empty soccer goal a third time after doing that from thirty feet away. Chris Adams could do this.
ReplyDeleteHe could slap a puck into a goal once and when it returns to him he could easily hit the puck back into the goal and see it go back into the goal just to come out of it a second time. And after that he could slap it into the empty goal a third time for it to bounce out of the goal a third time. Chris Jericho could do this. But I never saw him do that before. Even Rasmus Ristolainen has never done that before quite like this like what I have mentioned here.
ReplyDeleteHow rare is that in soccer and ice hockey these days anyway?
ReplyDeleteMen and women who play hurling on a hurling field never really have the hurling balls that look like baseballs ever travel that far leaving the goals after being shot into those goals. And lacrosse it is the same thing that happens as it is in hurling. Field hockey they can only get the balls to bounce out of the goals by hitting the bottom part of the goals they are shooting at. I do not think I have seen field hockey balls hit the nets of those goals and return to the field hockey players from where they are standing.
ReplyDeleteToo many men and not enough women in Satan's hell named Gardenbrook in Watertown Connecticut the people really love Satan which is why they commit the sin of murder that is criminalized by Satan's government as well as burning down houses there and people having to get hurt a lot because no one in that town uses commonsense.
ReplyDeleteI do not think I have ever seen a painting of a rainbow. I never have seen a painting like that.
ReplyDeleteI have not seen any shirts with that on it.
ReplyDeleteSometimes people don't speak not even if it is here.
ReplyDeleteIt is true. There must be a thousand opportunities missed here when people could have commented here and have had over a thousand missed and wasted opportunities to say something here but instead always choose to not say anything.
ReplyDeleteThis is what can make any blog a waste is when all the work is for nothing when people do not even attempt to comment there.
ReplyDeleteWatching old movies is okay. But as the saying goes familiarity breeds contempt.
ReplyDeleteWhen athletes are confined to spaces that are measured it would make it look like the majority of athletes are playing in prison cages.
ReplyDeleteBuster Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson in Japan. I do not remember when that boxing match took place.
ReplyDeleteThat was a rarity for that to happen to Mike Tyson. That makes him seem similar to Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. They both had perfect winning streaks for a while.
ReplyDeleteWhy would they call cup sizes of brassieres A, B, C, D, DD, and DDD for instead of saying small, medium, large, extra large and xxx-large anyway?
ReplyDeleteIf this comment which is only the truth being revealed was erased and removed would not solve the problem about why over two hundred people are not looking at this blog posting their comments here like they are supposed to be doing and are not doing that when they have so many opportunities to do that.
DeleteWhy do so many wrestlers that are men these days a few months later are always getting tattoos for anyway?
ReplyDeleteThe Highlanders were wealthy renowned paid wrestlers who were employed by the Worldly Wrestling Federation to work for Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
ReplyDeleteHe looks weird having his beard braided who thinks he is a "Viking".
ReplyDeleteThose guys calling themselves the Viking Raiders I do not think they live up to that other part of their name. They are not raiding anything.
ReplyDeleteThat was impressive when Ricochet pinned the ass of, Ibar to the mat for the three count to gain the pinfall victory.
ReplyDeleteL.A. Knight looks like he got Xavier Woods goat when he damaged that game system controller tonight while I am watching them on the nonprimitive television.
ReplyDeleteToday they made a lot of stupid commercials that overplay music from rock and roll bands along with advertising the nonprimitive machine the internet too much.
ReplyDeleteOur first names rhyme.
ReplyDeleteSergey Brin must have gotten mixed up with someone else's problem.
ReplyDeleteNo one never hears them speak those words that often in baseball besides cricket and softball to get the lead out of their swings.
ReplyDeleteAnother opinion or comment that could sound derogatory is you guys play like girls. Another one they mentioned on Bully Beatdown is he punches like a girl.
ReplyDeleteI'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
ReplyDeleteGod just could not wipe the slate clean. Why did God choose not to do that but to let Satan and demons have eternal life in hell and also in us for?
ReplyDeleteThere is a good question to ask.
ReplyDeletePreachers never talk about if their good outweighs their evil. Millions of human beings inhumanity would outweigh their humanity. Humanity would mean humans living in their homes and not in zoos, group care homes that are another form of a prison zoo, along with homeless shelters that enable homelessness just as prisons enable crime by not really reforming them so there would be a significant reduction in the number of malefactors being dehumanized there.
ReplyDeleteOne wrestler who is a negro used to say don't sing it just bring it. I guess he named himself after a negro named Booker T.
ReplyDeleteIt's true bro.
ReplyDeleteNaming a restaurant Frank N. Stein is laughable.
ReplyDeleteIf people want their restaurants to be jokes name them after monsters in Satan's evil, sinful and demonic horror movies.
ReplyDeleteMy bad. I meant to say name those restaurants after horrible and scary monsters in Beelzebub's evil, sinful and devilish horror movies. Who can take any restaurant misspelling Frankenstein and Frank N. Stein seriously anyway?
ReplyDeleteThat was a stupid idea.
ReplyDeleteSome people will give almost anyone or anything a laughable name and call that smart even though it is not smart.
ReplyDeleteNo one told that guy to use a better name than that. But someone should have.
ReplyDeleteWe never see friends and couples having names that are male and female such as Ramon and Ramona, Denis and Denise, Reginald and Regina, Max and Maxine. And there is of course Simon and Simone. There are probably other names I could think of now since I mentioned it.
ReplyDeleteI am sure the frisbee is a nonprimitive invention.
ReplyDeleteWho knows throughout the world how many nonprimitive inventions there are just as there are probably just as many primitive inventions.
ReplyDeleteDino Bravo was a good wrestler. But I do not think anyone would ask themselves why they would want to commit the sin of playing God with his life acting like they had the right to take his life from him when only God is supposed to have the right to take not only Dino's life from him but also from us instead of us thinking we have the right to pick and choose which one of us lives and which one of us dies.
ReplyDeleteSome of this seems inconceivable to think about but it happens too often and everyone keeps giving into evil and demonic temptations to sin as demons against God in rebellion to His will.
ReplyDeleteI think I remember now there was a wrestler named Arachnoman in WCW which they claim was an infringement of a copyright to Spiderman that Stan Lee created.
ReplyDeleteI guess that did not last long.
ReplyDeleteAnd we can see why.
ReplyDeleteThat had to be one of the worst gimmicks they used in WCW. And no one could mention that without it being relegated to this nonprimitive invention known to mortals as the internet that even the devils use to lead people astray so they will not become born again Christians.
ReplyDeleteOnly Dean Douglas use to say class dismissed. They must not have a lot of teachers saying in only God knows how many countries around the world in who knows how many thousands of schools.
ReplyDeleteOn planet earth today earthlings may have more than a thousand schools.
ReplyDeleteEvery teacher in every school, country, nation and island probably never says class is now in session and class dismissed.
ReplyDeleteWhen earthlings say teach you a lesson and am going to take you to school in a different context than what some of us are used to.
ReplyDeleteSometimes getting wounded can become repetitive depending on who it is happening to.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of lunacy is there out there that is our governments?
ReplyDeleteToo bad they can never teach anyone without relegated it to a nonprimitive internet the people who have Zelda as a first name
ReplyDeleteOops. I forgot to put a period at the end of my sentence.
ReplyDeleteDo that many people even like Europe and their song the Final Countdown? There could be some people even using this newfangled contraption who do not care for those guys and this song that they overplay their music in garden hell residential hell home.
ReplyDeleteCuz that is all I do is give them a roof over their heads and three meals a day while acting like feeding times has to be set in stone at set times.
ReplyDeleteToo bad that is how Satan's residential homeowners roll.
ReplyDeleteThey always listen to the demons and want to keep as many people there as they can imprisoned there and do not want more than one of them to leave because they want them dead there. I go to hell with them because I am a follower of Satan and demons as all residential homeowners are.
ReplyDeleteLet us never destroy all our prisons, courthouses, group care homes, homeless shelters that we should not be consigning people to like God casting Adam and Eve out of Eden and send people back into their homes instead. But would self-professed Christian Joe Biden do that?
ReplyDeleteOf course, not. He is a unrepentant Christian who has never repented for his sins of making his own people in North America homeless either temporarily or till they are old and dead and everyone is aiding and abetting him by not caring. Which of course is all of you North Americans that are reading my comment are part of the problem.
DeleteThere are truth deniers out there. And governments never show Christianity in their lives. If they did not deny the truth of the gospel no prisons would exist. Pollution, pornography, homelessness, prostitution, armies, navies and nature destroyers destroying nature would be nonexistent.
ReplyDeleteWhen Tyson was two hundred pounds and went up to two hundred and twenty pounds. He has stronger punches than Randall Craig Cobb. Unlike Cobb Mike Tyson has knocked boxers out with one punch to the face.