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Monday, 27 April 2015

*PROGRAMME REVIEW* WWF (WWE) European Rampage Again Tour 1992

This Monday we will be covering this programme, the 1992 European Rampage Again Tour. 

This tour ran from April 10th until April 19th and covered Barcelona. Milan, Wembley, Munich, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Birmingham, Glasgow, Rotterdam, Brussels, Kiel, Wembley, Belfast, Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham and Sheffield. 

First page is an advertisement for the 1992 Superstars sticker collection, next to this is the WWF president's letter and a list of tour dates. 

First two page superstar is Ric Flair. Interesting to note this programme, unlike the last we reviewed is only in English, no German. 

Next up in another two page spread is Jake The Snake Roberts, followed by The Undertaker with Paul Bearer. 

Sid Justice is next, also in a two page spread, managed by Harvey Whippleman. 

Fan favourite British Bulldog is next in the programme followed by a two page spread on Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Bret Hart follows on from Roddy Piper, again, in a two page spread.

Randy Savage is up next with Miss Elizabeth with a low down on each. After them the next two page feature is on Legion of Doom.

Centre pages is a selection of photos entitled WWF conquers Europe. It features photos from London, Glasgow and Paris.

What follows is two pages of tag teams. Each having a one page spread, The Nasty Boys with Jimmy Hart and the Bushwhackers. They have joint low downs.

After that we have four superstars over two pages. Sgt. Slaughter & Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Million Dollar Man and I.R.S. Unlike the previous tag teams they still recognise these superstars as individual wrestlers.

Following this is two one page spreads on The Model Rick Martel and Shawn Michaels with Sensational Sherri. Warlord and Repo Man are next, both also with one page spreads.

The next two pages are Big Boss Man and El Matador, both with one page spreads.

Interesting to note, on the next page is an advertisement for Summerslam 1992. As of this programme going to print they were still going to be hosting Summerslam in Washington. They are advertising travel packages/holidays for UK fans including 10 days in Florida, a weekend in Washington and premium tickets to Summerslam. Prices started from £650 for adults and £350 for children.

They are also advertising travel packages for Survivor Series.

Next to this advertisement is a one page spread on Dino Bravo. 

Up next is the pages on lower card superstars. Over two pages is Tatanka, Virgil, Colonel Mustafa and Papa Shango. 

Following on from this is a one page advertisement for WWF videos, next to which is two more superstars, one page between them, the Berzerker and Kato.

Another advertisement for WWF videos and then another shared page for Owen Hart and Skinner. 

The last two pages of the programme are adverts for a computer game, the merchandise catalogue and the fancamera at venues.

Back page is another advertisement for WWF videos. 

We have this and many more programmes available right now on our eBay store, perfect for signings!

As always, make sure to check us out on Facebook (where we are running a competition to win £20 to spend with us ending on 30th April 2015) and Twitter. You can also find us on Instagram, just search Haus Of Wrestling. 

Have a great week! See you on Friday with another review. If you have any suggestions for a review be sure to let us know!


  1. Hello! I am interested in acquiring the Haus of Wrestling Twitter, Facebook and Instagram handles. If you could please reach out to me at I would appreciate it. Thank you!

  2. Too bad the newer wrestlers they have today did not follow in these guys footsteps and use gimmicks more instead of listening to the demons and giving up on doing that. It is also too bad that they show no female W.W.F. wrestlers here on this nonprimitive blog.

  3. I do not think I remember seeing Mark Calloway with candles behind him before till I saw that here.

  4. The Undertaker who is really Mark Calloway versing Sid Eudy who thinks he is Sid Justice is a good match that is worth watching.

  5. When Davey was part of the British Bulldogs he never was able to pin his opponent's shoulders to the mat for the three count to gain a pinfall victory. Why did he have to start pinning his all of his opponents shoulders to the mat for the three count to get the pinfall victory as a singles competitor when he did not do that before when he was with Dynamite Kid so why now?

  6. Eileen Sullivan28 March 2023 at 05:28

    When wrestlers use moves, they used to do as their signature finishing moves. Davey Boy has done this and it is strange why he never was able to use the powerslam to get pinfall victories with Dynamite Kid as his tag team partner.

  7. Alexis Froelich28 March 2023 at 14:34

    It is too bad they do not make it a lot easier on television to watch wrestling on television instead of having to order a channel where they only show one thing wrestling all day long and all night long from dawn to dusk. The same way not everyone gets a channel where the only sport they show all the time is cricket.

  8. Such a pity that so many people today must be looking at this could be commenting but they do not have the decency to put their comments here. What's up with y'all just staring aimlessly at this screen and not putting your good comments here about the wrestling magazines and wrestlers good for anyway?

  9. Mary Ann Stanziano28 March 2023 at 16:31

    In that one magazine they did not spell the word maneuvers correctly when they were talking about Ric Martel. That word maneuvers they misspelled. Why would they keep that spelling error in that W.W.F. magazine for? What? It is a wonder out of over probably a million people no one has not even said a word about that.

  10. What? They think the Worldly Wrestling Federation has conquered Europe is laughable. Is the W.W.F. an army that they can invade Europe and commit the sin of slaying millions of Europeans for money and enslave them when that is not what they are paid to do? What they said in that magazine is ridiculous.

  11. Luke and Butch give whole new meaning to what it means to use your head. All anyone has to do is look at that one photo of them with his arm around his head and how he always rams him into their opponents and lays on top of them to gain pinfall victories. It's true. Oh, its damn true as Kurt Angle would say.

  12. I remember Chris Jericho playing ice hockey. But I do not think that he would be able to have the puck bounce off the metal on the bottom of the ice hockey goal and reach him where he is standing behind one of those two circles like what Rasmus Ristolainen did. Chris probably cannot slap a puck and have it travel with that much velocity like the way Rasmus was able to do.

  13. They never showed any WWF wrestlers playing soccer. Hennig was never show playing soccer and having the soccer ball get spit out of the goal after going in and he keeps it back into the goal a second time.

  14. Metallica's song they sang is fight fire with fire. They never had any wrestlers regardless of what territory they worked for using that as their ring entrance music.

  15. Nobody never says anything about why Ray Traylor never wore a badge on his police shirt.

  16. Why is it women who are wrestlers have no gimmicks?

  17. I have never seen women that wrestle use gimmicks unlike the men.

  18. Nobody thinks it strange why that is. Just as Japanese wrestlers practically never have gimmicks. Only one Japanese wrestler that entered the Worldly Wrestling Federation had a gimmick calling himself Hakushi which is Japanese for white angel. Nobody else did that.

  19. Too bad gimmicks in wrestling in other countries is so uncommon.

  20. Why are Mexicans so obsessed with hiding their faces behind masks for when North Americans are not anyway?

  21. It's true. Nobody questions any of that.

  22. Music from residents and staff in Satan's residential homes that he rules over and controls is torture30 March 2023 at 23:03

    But wrestling is not. Nobody gets hurt except for the wrestlers that are doing the wrestling.

  23. Dave Bautista and Melina Perez were at the Milford Mall in Milford Connecticut a few years ago.

  24. Tatanka, I heard was at an arcade in Milford Connecticut named Smiles which unfortunately closed. Randy Orton and Edge whose real name is Adam Copeland were at the Milford Mall in Milford Connecticut.

  25. The nonprimitive mechanism known as the internet says30 March 2023 at 23:12

    That is something never mentioned even on this nonprimitive mechanism.

  26. It is true brothers and sisters.

  27. I would have to wonder why it shows a bunch of nonsense if those words are clicked on where it says post comments atom. What is the deal with that? Why must that be there for?

  28. They practically never show that if all undertakers dressed the way Mark Calloway did when he was given his undertaker gimmick.

  29. That is laughable why they would call them so-called taxi dancers. How does that make sense? Or what about taxi dance halls? Hey, let's call it this.

    1. How does dancing and dance halls have anything to do with taxis?

  30. That has got to be one of the stupidest things that I have ever heard of.

  31. Nothing says brainless moron like that does especially when they put that on the internet. It is true.

  32. I heard his name is Bruno Laurer. Of course, when he used that stage name Harvey Wippleman that was original along with how he was dressed. There are no wrestlers that do that nowadays. Why? Because wrestling has no originality anymore. Every other country they have no gimmicks they use when wrestling and I have never seen them have managers.

  33. Mr. Messerschmidt31 March 2023 at 00:17

    Why did the Mountie never pin the Big Boss Man's shoulders to the mat for the three count to get the pinfall victory anyway?

    1. That has never been thought of before what was just mentioned here.

  34. Such a pity the number of people who ought to be commenting here but are not. Shame on the millions of all of you people for not commenting here.

  35. I remember seeing a few paid wrestlers having candles lit.

  36. Too bad they never could tell anyone what the worst gimmicks are in wrestling without relegating that to the nonprimitive internets.

  37. Y'all know that's true.

  38. Too many Christians never really follow their religion if they did not have governments which creates more problems than solutions. But even Donald Trump could not understand that.

  39. Too bad Droese never versed Lawler. If he did, I never saw that match.

  40. There were some matches that never really took place in the WWF.

  41. They never stated the obvious when Ray Traylor was doing police brutality when he was given the big boss man gimmick that he must have gotten from the song big boss man from Dwight Yoakam. That is what McMahon must have listened to which gave him the inspiration for that character.

  42. There can never be enough comments here.

  43. Too bad that today's wrestlers never use foreign objects to win their matches by cheating.

  44. Wrestling is hell when they do that.

  45. What a shame that they do not do the funeral parlor anymore in the WWF.

  46. They used to do the flower shop. That was interesting and unusual.

  47. Adrian Adonis did that. What a work of art he was.

  48. Originality in wrestling is lost.

  49. It is rather strange that the WWF in the nineteen eighties so seldom did matches between men and women which has been seen more in other wrestling territories.

  50. Shawn has an air of confidence about him.

  51. Atsushi Onita used to be a violent athlete known to the world as a wrestler.

  52. There are not many wrestlers who do handshakes after their matches.

  53. Two out of three fall matches are uncommon.

  54. We know why Paul Roma was angry at the ref.

  55. Some people cannot never keep their mouths shut. No one has ever heard of a paid wrestler being a motormouth.

  56. Elizabeth saith31 March 2023 at 00:45

    She was an attractive woman who died young which is too bad.

  57. Let people say something here and never stop commenting without constant commenting.

  58. I have never seen any wrestlers that I remember playfully juggling balls.

  59. Have you seen wrestlers paid by Vincent Kennedy McMahon playfully juggling stuff?

  60. Mary Rainone said31 March 2023 at 00:51

    That song about taking a job and shoving it. Why would he make a song about that for?

  61. I remember when the WWF went to the O'Neil Center in Danbury Connecticut and also went to the Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport Connecticut.

  62. Y'all know that is true whether anyone wants to mention that or not.

  63. Anthony Anzalone said31 March 2023 at 01:28

    I have never seen a man and a woman wearing hats that are wrestlers in the WWF before.

  64. And that is particularly a strange thing today if it is a man who is a wrestler and his manager who is a woman is wearing a hat. Randy and Sherri never did that.

  65. Taxi and dancer should not be used together. Does anyone see how ridiculous that looks when someone says two words like that together as one word? How does saying "taxi" "dancer" make any sense anyway? Where do they get these stupid ideas on the internet from anyway?

  66. Scott Radcliff says31 March 2023 at 01:51

    Dancing has nothing to do with taxis. Why would anyone want to pay for someone's time to dance with them for anyway? They do not even do that in professional wrestling.

  67. Cameron Bishins said31 March 2023 at 02:00

    Why don't wrestlers today wear what they wore back in the 80s anyway?

  68. Wrestling today sucks. Wrestling was a lot better when Hillbilly Jim was in the WWF.

    1. There is some truth in what you are saying. It really does not seem like it is really worth watching like it was over ten years ago.

  69. The unknown person says31 March 2023 at 02:06

    When athletes no longer look original. Even cricket players do not look original nowadays. Back then the only clothes they wore was white clothes and white cricket caps. And while they did that they had no numbers on their shirts without having their last names on the back of their shirts.

  70. The good old days when sports were simple. We don't see that anymore.

  71. Too bad they never told anyone what bowling alley Curt Hennig went to when he bowled his perfect game by constantly making the sign of the horns when he repeatedly rolled the bowling ball to violently hit the pins to get strikes over and over again. The satanists make the sign of the horns. Bowlers are always ignorantly doing that not knowing what it is they are doing.

  72. All anyone has to do to make that sign when holding a bowling ball is to extend their pinkies and pointers while putting their ring fingers, middle fingers and thumbs in the holes of the bowling balls. Like Brock Lesnar would say it's not rocket science. This what I have just said now should be really easy to figure out.

  73. Kirshner never versed sergeant slaughter.

  74. Why would that be?

  75. David Santone said31 March 2023 at 02:17

    I bet no one out there thought of that before reading the comments here.

  76. Just as no one wonders why they have not had any other athletes like Tony Halm that have ever pointed out what is wrong with a country like North America. That is what made him unique.

  77. I remember Tony having the Finnish national anthem as his music. It is interesting and unusual that he chose not to have anyone sing Finland's national anthem.

  78. Boris Zhukov never had that playing as his music but would always would sing the Russian national anthem and Alfred Hayes always thought he had a lousy singing voice.

  79. If he did not sing that song than it must have been Nikolai Volkoff who did the singing like when he was with the Iron Sheik.

  80. Manuel the manual says31 March 2023 at 02:27

    Aiden English sings like an opera singer who had a better singing voice than both those Russians.

  81. That is self-evident if what I have mentioned cannot be refuted.

  82. We are never hearing about people being referred to as globetrotters. Yet that is ironic that the only time people hear that word unfortunately is when they watch that basketball team in the city of Harlem New York.

  83. There is something once again that has not been questioned.

  84. Why is the only time I hear the word globetrotters is when it is a basketball team in Harlem New York for anyway?

  85. Have any of you out there that are reading my comments ever thought of that before?

  86. I remember seeing scary Sherri wearing black pantyhose once before when she was in the Worldly Wrestling Federation.

  87. That once again is another truth. But no one would know how to learn about who invented women's pantyhose without having to use the nonprimitive mechanism they call the internet.

  88. It is always sad when one person has to do all of the commenting here using a whole bunch of pseudonyms. When others ought to be commenting here.

  89. Unfortunately, that is what happens when no one gives a damn.

  90. That is interesting what they are talking about doing when English people come to North America to watch the WWF.

  91. I do not think I was paying close attention to that till I read what they said.

  92. I am not sure how many wrestling magazines would mention that if they give foreigners any good deals where they can live in their country for a week till they can watch a pay per view event.

  93. I think that is the first time I ever heard of that till I read it here on this blog.

  94. Mr. Richelieu says31 March 2023 at 02:53

    Ric Fleir with his gaudy robe and long hair used to look original. That is the guy who has to use a made-up last name calling himself Flair with his first name instead of using his real last name.

  95. Harvey is color coordinated.

  96. Too bad there was no conclusive ending to the match between Shawn Michaels and Ric Martel since all they were doing is violently hitting each other from behind when they were carrying the comely Sherri in their arms. That match took place in London England. I do not think they had a match in North America.

  97. That was stupid when Giant Gonzalez used cloth that was soaked in chloroform to put the Undertaker to sleep just to have him rush back to the ring and knock him down with a clothesline to claim his victory. I do not know that I mentioned it if that match had that good of an ending.

  98. Why do so many movies on TCM never show women and some men doing their clothes and laundry by hand and ironing their clothes anyway?

  99. I have not seen photos and videos of anyone eating cereal with chocolate milk, strawberry flavored milk, caramel flavored milk and even having cereal with coffee which I heard about before. But I am sure this is delicious.

  100. They probably have not shown any videos and pictures of anyone drinking cold coffee from a colored wine bottle. I did that once before.

  101. Snow can be used as a substitute for ice cubes to make tea and coffee cold.

  102. Why do Christian people love polluting the seas, oceans, lakes with their ships and stuff for? Why do Christians listen to demons that tell them not to care about the environment so that they pollute and destroy the earth for anyway? Everyone in North America who is reading my comment is guilty of this sin of being indifferent towards other people as well as towards the earth and its environment.

  103. Doctor Bill Thomas failed miserably to put an end to nursing homes while having a one-track mind where that was the only thing he focused on while forgetting about residential care home facilities, assisted living homes and convalescent homes which is all the same exact thing. It is all just a play on words that is redundant using different words to describe the same kind of home. The only difference between when they call that nursing and those other words means they do not have nurses.

  104. Bill Thomas does not see how old age homes all have something in common with prisons. Because that is what they do to people there. They make sure they all live and die there as many of them as is humanly possible without ever leaving. Prisons out of a thousand prisoners they let half of a thousand leave. So-called homes for old people they only let one person only a few years later leave out of twenty-two of them. It does not matter if it is a larger number of them, it is still the same problem. Why is it always just one person that can leave those godforsaken hellholes anyway? Those homes are worse than prisons. And I already explained how it is worse than prisons.

  105. Does anyone ever question why women in professional wrestling never do all the moves that the men do?

  106. That is something nobody ever mentions not even on the nonprimitive mechanism known to earthlings as the internet.

  107. It is rather strange that on the nonprimitive mechanism known to mortals as the internet that the only time they show primitive chandeliers is when blacksmiths forge chandeliers and if those things are in movies.

  108. This is what Harland the northerner says4 April 2023 at 00:21

    Nonelectric chandeliers are too much of a rarity today.

  109. Chow gentlemen I have to go.

  110. Wrestlers today do not do the ten punch in the corner of the ring like they used to anymore.

  111. I live for myself and not to give selflessly as much as I should to my fellow man.

  112. Steven Lehoux the self-seeking tattler who tattles on someone who he should have been helping4 April 2023 at 02:20

    That is what I do ladies and gentlemen.

  113. Carmen Cast tig lion e says4 April 2023 at 03:51

    Some of us are brainless morons who should not be running residential homes when we should have been landlords instead.

  114. Glendolyn said4 April 2023 at 04:03

    They do not even want to make a comparison if homemade hot chocolate made from hard chocolate candy actually tastes better than store bought hot chocolate powder which is processed.

  115. Car landmine cast tiger Lion knee said this4 April 2023 at 04:09

    Only a brainless moron never fixes a large ashtray who does not know how to run a residential home along with keeping two junk cars. That is not what Dusty Rhodes would do.

  116. I wonder why they would have men named Stephen Curtis on face book having photos of young women instead of themselves for. That really looks ridiculous when they do that.

  117. Christianne says4 April 2023 at 04:13

    Hot cocoa made from chocolate candy taste better than if it is made from hot cocoa powder because when it is from the candy it tastes more natural.

  118. Benedict Arnold Steven Lehoux said4 April 2023 at 04:14

    I love being Benedict Arnold.

  119. Some dude named Montague says4 April 2023 at 04:16

    Rick Rude is no Romeo and Sherri is not Juliet.

  120. I think I remember a man who thought he was a pirate pinning a garbage man's shoulders to the mat for the three count to get the pinfall victory. That was the imaginary Jean Paul Lafitte violently falling on top of Duke Droese who thinks he is a garbage man who got his clock cleaned.

  121. The ancient Egyptian powerbomb squad member Julietta says4 April 2023 at 04:23

    Carob donuts dipped in a hot carob drink in a coffee mug is delicious.

  122. I just remembered him now. The peppermint butler. That is original.

  123. Angelique sayeth4 April 2023 at 04:28

    I heard about that quote how saints have a past, and sinners have a future.

  124. If Curt Hennig could get a perfect game of 300 hundred every time, he went bowling that would make him truly perfect.

  125. Cameron Bishins who holds a grudge against someone for something as stupid and trivial as going in their rooms at night says5 April 2023 at 02:02

    That's what I do.

  126. Some foreign dude from Huhtamaki says5 April 2023 at 02:07

    Iceland and its people have commonsense. North America and its people do not have commonsense.

  127. Mistress Tureaud says5 April 2023 at 05:01

    Lawrence Tureaud who thinks he is "Mr. T" wears a punk haircut along with the Nasty Boys who nobody ever saw the three of them together.

  128. Anthony Anzalone says5 April 2023 at 05:02

    I never thought of that before.

  129. The coward hiding behind a badge says5 April 2023 at 05:04

    No one does think anymore. That is why I punish people for doing nothing wrong but being law abiding citizens. Residential homes that Satan rules over and controls they do that just like governments do. Their residential homeowners and staff are life controllers.

  130. There is so much to learn here.

    1. Mr. Norton said5 April 2023 at 05:07

      Wutan is a place in Alaska. Is a place in Alaska trying to talk? Don't make me laugh buddy.

  131. The Berzerker was an original character for John Nord to play when he was in the Worldly Wrestling Federation.

  132. I wish I had a life like him right now instead of posting comments while trapped in a godforsaken hellhole where no one wants to grow up.

  133. Laughing inappropriately at someone talking about being with young people instead of old people is not a laughing matter no matter what day, month and year it is.

    1. That is what Satan and demons tells someone who walks with a cane and cannot see straight to do to someone he does not know even when it is not a laughing matter like being around people that are his own age like his own age group.

  134. Life with Father is a good movie that I am watching right now on TMC. They seem to be showing in the movie plenty of chandeliers depending on where they travel to.

  135. Mentally insane John in a residential home that he does not belong in says7 April 2023 at 04:56

    They show a young man playing a violin that he does not play well even when he played it with a comely young lady playing the violin. This is in that movie named Life with Father.

  136. Vonne Outhavong says7 April 2023 at 04:58

    Frisbees are also glow in the dark. I remember having a frisbee a few years ago.

  137. Tuna helper is good stuff even if WWF wrestlers ate that with other paid athletes.

  138. I think I remember eating tuna fish with apple cider vinegar in it as a tuna fish sandwich.

  139. Mister Southivong says7 April 2023 at 05:04

    I love this movie named Life with Father.

  140. Dora Scaglia says7 April 2023 at 05:07

    Probably no one could question that without it being relegated to the internet about why people do not wear aprons as much as they used to. That could be a question.

  141. Alex Kozak said7 April 2023 at 05:07

    Professional wrestling is roughhousing.

  142. They wore better looking uniforms in baseball and ice hockey in the 80s than what they wear now.

  143. I am sure if I am not watching basketball and football now, they are probably not wearing uniforms that looked as good as what they wore in 1989.

  144. That movie named the Wicker man and the other movie named When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth does not make sense.

  145. It is too bad that baseball mitts that have two seams on the webs are not more commonplace to both see and use.

  146. They could make ice hockey two seam goalie mitts.

  147. Thus, saith Saul7 April 2023 at 18:46

    Nobody never questions why the seven deadly sins is something only Catholics talk about but never Christians in general. Why is that?

  148. A clown played a trick on a guy who was a make-believe African savage by giving him a present so the clown would win the match by count out when he was distracted outside the ring by it.

  149. Y'all best believe that's true.

  150. This movie named the private lives of Elizabeth and Essex is interesting. They never show the fires that are being lit but instead skip that and just start jumping from one scene to the next scene.

  151. Alexis Froelich says7 April 2023 at 20:18

    That is a recurring theme in too many movies. And they probably have fewer shows that show them using candles and lighting fires.

  152. The 12-year-old boy who got spun around and dropped on his hands during recess in the summer behind an elementary school by two young boys that do not know him that victimized him by his friend just standing there letting his bad friend victimize him with a giant swing done the wrong way on the hard pavement around the parking lot area grabbing his wrists and not asking for his consent first says8 April 2023 at 13:43

    This is how some of us get victimized and traumatized that no one not even on the nonprimitive mechanism known as the internet never want to mention including being victimized and traumatized by an inexperienced wrestler who does not know how to execute a wrestling move like the giant swing correctly.

    1. You see folks how professional wrestling can be used by children to abuse children in our elementary schools that have become secularized that do not teach their students the golden rule. They are abusing wrestling to bully other boys without asking their permission to wrestle them first and doing it on the right surface which is what cement is even if it not the street but is connected to a street.

  153. Kurt Angle and Scott Hall do not look that good in their mugshots which is unfortunate that their photos of them as malefactors is available online to see. That is really sad and unfortunate to find photos of famous people after they have been arrested and fingerprinted. This is regrettable to see on this nonprimitive mechanism known as the internet.

  154. Some young said in her song some things are better left unsaid. Some things are never mentioned on the internet such as being victimized by a giant swing being done by a brainless moron who does not know how to do pro wrestling the right way so instead of grabbing his legs, he would rather grab his wrists and violently drop him on the hard cement. And another thing never mentioned is when that boy grows into adulthood has to be hit by a branch from a tree he was chopping down with an axe and has that branch fall on him hitting his face, so he has blood in his left eye and at least one bruise. In this case a bruised shoulder and possibly a bruise under his left eye. Nobody ever hears of this happening to anyone because even on this thing it is always kept a secret from everyone.

    1. Priscella Stevenson says8 April 2023 at 14:14

      That was the song bulletproof by Leroux that has the lyrics in it when she said some things are better left unsaid. I am sure that is not her real name.

  155. They would never show anyone on the nonprimitive mechanism known as the internet a boy who is a twelve-year-old being victimized in front of a church by another twelve year old hurling a snowball at his nose so blood comes out of his nostril and he has to enter the church only after the service is ending so that he has the misfortune of going into the bathroom to have the reverend pinch his nose to stop his bleeding nose on a sabbath when people are not supposed to be listening to Beelzebub and demons playing with snow especially in front of churches on Sunday.

    1. That is something they would never show even on You tube. They would get a million views but for some strange reason would never get a million comments to equal the number of views they get.

  156. No one can be happy to see and read about this here.

  157. When the boy goes to a hospital with his parents just to get cream to use that he has to touch his eye with using his pointer that they give him a prescription for is good for the healing except for the memory of that traumatic experience never goes away of being violently hit by a large heavy branch falling from a tree that is being hewn down by an axe. And no one knows if this even happens to that many men and women who are in the woods regardless of if they are paid lumberjacks or are just doing that as part of their lifestyle like to help around the house to do chores for the family.

  158. They never mention that on Turner Classic Movies about what women wore even back then when they never mention certain words and stuff on T.V. like it is a taboo such as saying bustier and corset. Just as no one wonders why they almost do not wear stuff like that anymore unless they do not want something squeezing them around their waists and stomachs.

  159. Dora Scaglia says8 April 2023 at 15:10

    Some of the problems with the nonprimitive mechanical internets is that those do not always take really good pictures without the words from the nonprimitive mechanical televisions looking blurred. This is especially true if it is a Hewlett-Packard internet. And y'all best believe that.

  160. Petar Djordjiic did something amazing when he was able to throw a volleyball into a goal going past the goalie and left the goal after violently hitting the net. And someone from the other team grabbed that volleyball and ran the other way to take control and try to score a goal.

  161. Djordjic is the correct spelling of his name. But that does not explain why I only saw him throw a ball into a handball goal that reached him from where he was throwing it from even though it went past the goalie.

  162. That movie Good-bye, My Lady I could begin to admire their simple life and wish my life was as simple as their lives are. We have too much electricity in our world being used than to know how to function without it which of course is rather unfortunate.

  163. Gary Monroe said8 April 2023 at 15:27

    I remember the movie now named after the dog they decided to name Lassie. Perhaps that is a word they use in Ireland to describe a lady if they say lass or lassie.

  164. North America's evil antichristian government that never repented and apologized for their love of prisons, crime, pollution, destroying land in New Milford Ct with highways and destroying the woods in Brookfield Ct. so that houses that do not belong there are there along with a large green fuel tanks and extra streets they did not need and making people do things against their will while threatening them with prison if they are not subservient says8 April 2023 at 15:34

    We should have stopped making sure the homeless stay homeless and those in prison stay imprisoned from one year till the next year passes from one generation to the next generation which is senseless along with our commitment to getting people killed in World War 1 and World War 2 that we should have apologized for. John Kerry never apologized for what North America's army did to the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. That was disgraceful visiting that country and never giving a public apology. He should be ashamed of himself.

    1. Some of their sins they constantly are using as laws against us to hate and disrespect us all the time is making us use plastic cards called licenses and license plates for driving to criminalize our freedom. There is no way to censor this problem and make it go away as long as everyone reading my comment does not care about because erasing and removing what I am saying is not fixing the problem.

  165. Another sin is being judgmental and using Isaiah 29:21 to use as an excuse to justify criminalizing male customers for telling women that are cashiers and baristas your bosom and cleavage is lovely like you. This is how Satan works. He uses legislators and lawmakers to justify killing people especially babies which is a sin against God that He sends us to hell for.

  166. Damon Snelling said8 April 2023 at 15:42

    The truth hurts but what has been said here nobody not even on the nonprimitive internet is willing to mention.

  167. That is stupid using a rope to hold up his dog's tail when he is walking in the woods in that movie Good-Bye, My lady.

  168. Christians love paganism. That is why they celebrate pagan Easter, pagan Christmas, pagan Halloween. Just call a spade a spade. And unfortunately, Christian people love water pollution, air pollution and ground pollution. They also love using a pagan calendar.

  169. Would the people on television ever mention if there is such a thing as Christian paganism?

  170. Alexis Froelich says8 April 2023 at 15:50

    Good-bye, My Lady is a good movie except unfortunately do not want to show a clothesline, washtub, ironing board and iron in that movie is lacking.

  171. This is stuff we would never hear about happening to the big goons in their underwear.

  172. It is true though and is seldom mentioned.

  173. Satan's misogynist government targeting mostly women who work as harlots to cost them their livelihood so they can no do that for a living in Bridgeport, Norwalk, and East Haven says8 April 2023 at 15:59

    Cuz that is what evil in the eyes of the Lord we love to do is cost women their jobs so they cannot work at American Spa on Main Street in Bridgeport Connecticut anymore along with Norwalk and East Haven Connecticut. Why? Because we hate women and almost never arrest and trap gigolos in a demonic zoo called Satan's earthly prison house.

  174. That show Lassie on Nickelodeon and Good-bye, My Lady on TCM are okay to watch. But they both have the same. No clothesline is ever seen anywhere along with no irons, no ironing boards and no clothespins.

  175. I think Roy Rogers said in his song yippy Yi yay ki Yi yah. I do not know that is cowboy slang. But that looks and sounds weird to me since I am not a southerner who is a cowboy.

  176. I have not remembered Roy till I mentioned it here. I would have to wonder if he is dead right now.

  177. Why would Henry Ford invent the car if he knew in the future people would use cars to get themselves and others killed in accidents at a fast speed anyway?

  178. Something never questioned by people without having to say it on television and the internet.

  179. Some dude who is a doctor says8 April 2023 at 16:16

    I have seen athletes get violently hit in the mouth and lose teeth so that they were tasting their own blood as vampires.

  180. Christina says8 April 2023 at 16:18

    Boxers can be punched in the mouth and taste their own blood after getting their teeth knocked out of their mouths while that never happens to professional wrestlers. And no one never asks why.

  181. Watching movies like this one would make me wish I grew up as a mountain person living without electricity.

  182. Mr. Thorne says8 April 2023 at 16:23

    No one never questions why some people never have family albums, diaries and family home videos. They could question that without this newfangled contraption.

  183. This guy in the movie who has a son live him talks with a southern accent.

  184. William speaks about this and says8 April 2023 at 16:25

    Why do Christians love having satanic occult symbols on their North American dollars for anyway?

  185. When anywhere on the nonprimitive mechanism known as the internet gets a million views without a million comments. Why is that.

    1. Yes, I would have to wonder t\o about that. Why is that anyway?

  186. I do not know why I put those to letters t and o with this / between it for.
