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Tuesday, 14 April 2015


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We are a small company operating in the UK that source new and second hand wrestling merchandise from the 60's through to the present day. We specialise in magazines, although, we do also stock figures and other merchandise such as t-shirts, promo photos, novelties, trading cards, stickers and rare items. We have an extensive back catalogue of magazines and we are sure you will find what you are looking for on our eBay store. 

We've created a blog in order to give you all a closer look at the magazines we sell, because, lets face it, yeah the covers are cool but you want to know that whats behind the cover is cool too right?! This is where this blog comes in, we will be impartially reviewing magazines we have available on our eBay so you can be well informed when making your purchase. We will also review other items we have for sale from time to time and any suggestions from you guys and girls about what you want to see reviewed would be well received by us.We will also be using this blog to let you know about anything we think... well... you should know. Each blog post will be titled as such so you can go to the reviews and skip the other information should you desire (although we hope you don't!).Blog posts will be every Monday and Friday unless specified otherwise. 

Any feedback will be gratefully received so let us know what you want to see and we will try our best to provide!

**First post will be up this Friday 17th April 2015**


P.S Whilst we've got you here, be sure to go have a look at our eBay store if you haven't already ( where we have such an extensive range of magazines and other items on offer its like taking a walk through WWE history! 


  1. Carmine Castlione27 March 2023 at 02:22

    It is too bad that almost no one has made any comments here even about why the W.W.F. and its magazines are not as good as those magazines used to be in the eighties.

    1. That name was misspelled. I think it is Castiglione. That is an Italian last name.

  2. No one never asks the question. Why must they always make stories of adults being childless like in Star Wars anyway? That is too repetitive to constantly have people write books of adults without children including in the book Sherlock Holmes and they would never think of having a wrestler use that guy as a gimmick not even in the Worldly Wrestling Federation.

  3. Mary Ann Stanziano27 March 2023 at 12:21

    Just as the last show even Toombs was in who thinks he is Rowdy Roddy Piper with Lyle Alzado they showed practically no children and definitely no babies. That is what makes so many shows and movies very unrealistic.

  4. The name of that show is the highwayman. I do not know why they would show disrespect towards Christianity by having him wear a Catholic priest's black shirt with a white collar without sleeves and just having it look like a bib for. Kind of like a napkin worn on a shirt

  5. It is too bad that the paid wrestlers in the W.W.F. never played baseball together but instead played softball together. That is not a complete loss. But of course, what is never mentioned is when they keep swinging those baseball bats and softball bats to hit home runs of fences and walls is that if they do that enough times without taking a long enough break between swings they will get little red spots around the palms of their hands. And they will only be able to remove those little red spots by using corn blades on their hands. That is why they sell and use those rubber rings they put around the knobs of those baseball bats. But I do not know if they would use those rings on softball bats. Perhaps softball players could suffer the same way baseball players do if they keep swinging softball bats the same way that baseball players do when they are doing batting practice.

  6. What a shame wrestling is not as good as it was a few years ago.

  7. Cameron Bishins28 March 2023 at 17:01

    Too bad that no matter how many sports people watch and play they never have women showing their cleavage which also includes wrestling. Since they practically never have women in the audience showing their cleavage being more than just one young lady around the corner of the squared circle that they call a ring which is used for violent boxing and violent wrestling.

  8. Juan Carpintero28 March 2023 at 17:10

    Has anyone ever wondered why there are no magazines here with pictures of Tony Halm as Ludvig Borga here? I noticed that absence of him and certain other wrestlers that are not here on this blog.

  9. The Satanist worshipping Satan till burnt in hell without spiritual death because God demands that28 March 2023 at 17:23

    It's too bad that the Worldly Wrestling Federation does not sell any of their 80s stuff anymore unless everyone uses the nonprimitive mechanical internet. Why would Terry Bolea want everyone to have a camera with his photo on it as Hulk Hogan and also have that on all of those photos for? Has does that make sense? This seems laughable to me.

  10. Don Muraco had a song that came from the stage play they named Jesus Christ Superstar. Unfortunately, the majority of most professional wrestlers are not born-again Christians. The vast majority of people who live in old age homes for old people who have lost their will to live do not know Gods Son as their savior. That means a majority of them that are dead are in hell right now. That also includes Kerry Von Erich because he committed the sin of killing himself. Suicide is a unforgivable sin after it has been committed. He listened to Belial as did Tony Halm.

  11. Josephine who knows the I love you sign is the same thing as the sign of the horns with the only difference being that the thumb is extended just like the pointer and ring finger is said31 March 2023 at 03:07

    It's true.

  12. Mary Rainone said31 March 2023 at 03:08

    Cuz no one sees the similarity there.

  13. There are always similarities and differences between stuff.

  14. Carmina Castiglione saith31 March 2023 at 03:14

    Because all anyone can do as I have done now is to draw my own conclusions.

  15. Drawn conclusion said31 March 2023 at 03:15

    It is being drawn again.

  16. Because when it is drawn there is no end to it.

  17. Too bad so many wrestlers while being youngsters.

    1. The anonymous one says31 March 2023 at 03:19

      What Unknown meant to say is so many wrestlers died needlessly while being youngsters.

  18. What a shame that happens.

  19. It is always a victory for evil in the world when bad things happen to good people. And it never matters what time period it is because it is always bad and wrong.

  20. Like Kurt Angle says it's true. Oh, Its damn true.

  21. The master says31 March 2023 at 03:23

    There are always more comments here where that came from.

  22. There is no end to talking about the WWF and what good stuff they have here for sale.

  23. When commenting there is no end to comments.

  24. Anthony Anzalone said31 March 2023 at 03:30

    Like they say everyone is a critic. Everyone has got to say something about someone and something. Whether it is negative or positive or both negative and positive like a mixed review.

  25. Enough can never be said here.

  26. What is with that picture of a headless man doing here for?

  27. They made the same mistake when they made that game pro wrestling for the nonprimitive Sega master mechanism that is a computer when they put on the cover of the box a man holding his head. It's the same thing and it is not good.

  28. Somethings never are.

  29. When blogs are good except for bad pictures.

  30. Abandon hope all ye who enter here is what they said in Dante's inferno which just crossed my mind now.

  31. Liz Mcstravick saith31 March 2023 at 03:40

    Some people like to play second fiddle to others in homes that give homes a bad name.

  32. This has a lot of promise what they are talking about here.

  33. Warlord was pinned by Davey.

  34. He never was able to secure the victory by violently slamming his back on the mat while running with him on his right shoulder.

  35. We almost never see that with two big behemoths like that. That is something Gorilla Monsoon would say using the word behemoths.

  36. Why do they have those stars beside the word welcome for? I do not understand that.

  37. What if Sid got power bombed and defeated by Kevin Nash?

  38. I bet none of you out there thought of that before.

  39. It could happen.

  40. Chad Jefferson says31 March 2023 at 03:59

    As Vincent would say this is for all the marbles.

  41. Ludvig Borga got his clock cleaned by Lex Lugar.

  42. There is no limit to how many comments can appear here that no one must not be thinking about while they aimlessly stare at this screen with no purpose in life than to just sit there and stare at the screen and not post comments which doesn't make any sense at all.

  43. There are some questions that can never be given answers to such as if there is ever an end to commenting on the internet. There is no end to that here.

  44. Margherita says31 March 2023 at 04:07

    Anyone could wear an 80s WWF shirt braless who is a woman and no one here who is reading this comment could have thought of that before.

  45. Nobody ever thinks of the unthinkable. That is exactly what she just said here is.

  46. I think John Tenta want said to expect the unexpected.

  47. Nobody never saw that in the audience women wearing eighties WWF shirts being braless.

  48. One can never tell what will happen next.

  49. There is always a 50 percent chance of success no matter what the endeavor is.

  50. Steven Lehoux saith31 March 2023 at 14:53

    I do not know who the person is that did this blog or why more people instead of just staring at this and never commenting are never saying anything. But let me be the first to give you my sincerest apology that so many people are not leaving any comments here. I am sorry that more people are not leaving comments here. Too bad that people elsewhere do videos and they always got to get over a thousand comments. But here whoever the poor guy is who did this blog no one even has the decency to comment. I feel sorry for this guy if the person here is a man that he did the work to create this blog just so over a hundred people do not even leave comments here. I never apologize to people doing blogs who are having bad luck. But when I do, I am sorry that here you have not gotten more comments.

  51. Jack Lemmon is a good actor. He knows how to immerse himself in his characters he is playing.

  52. I have heard of the movie that they named the invisible man. Sometimes some of us are treated like we are invisible instead of being visible. Acting like pollution. crime. prisons and even homelessness is not even real problems that needs to be fixed today instead of assisting and encouraging it is its own problem. Here they can always have someone erase and remove my comment but that does not explain these problems I mentioned that even Tony Halm made a reference to such as filth, corruption and pollution. He was finding fault with North America.

  53. Why did Sable have to lower her moral standards and be topless with pasties covering her nipples for? That is what I remember her doing. She posed for Playboy.

  54. They have had a few wrestlers wear fedoras. Curtis Hughs wore a fedora. Mark Calloway wore a brimmed hat.

  55. Mary Ann Stanziano says31 March 2023 at 15:12

    Billy and Bart used to dress as cowboy which was their gimmick. Nobody never questions why they make it seem like they always got to reinvent themselves for. Those two used to wear trench coats as did Mark Calloway a few years ago when he did not look like someone who belongs in a biker gang.

  56. The Nasty Boys wore trench coats. I wonder how they would do if they had a violent fight with the Smoking Gunns.

  57. The dummy who just wants to look at this and not leave comments says31 March 2023 at 15:28

    No matter how many times any comments here could be erased and removed that does not explain why no one is commenting here.

  58. Master Richelieu said31 March 2023 at 15:30

    Bunkhouse Buck used to wear a trench coat so he would look like a cowboy minus the hat. He never had a hat on his head.

  59. I remember watching the Undertaker vs Mr. Hughs.

  60. That is a good match the one that was just mentioned.

  61. Some actors like Jack Lemmon seem to like to get overemotional in the roles they play.

  62. So many opportunities here wasted to say something that ought to be said but is not.

  63. It is a strange thing no one here feels sorry for the guy who did this blog just so thousands of people don't even respect him enough to leave here over a thousand comments. Kyle who knows this is wrong say31 March 2023 at 15:38

    What a shame.

  64. That was a rare mistake that he did not use the word says. Same problem different thing. Just as when someone elsewhere gets over a thousand comments from a thousand people and someone does not here that is disgraceful that they do not speak up and say anything.

  65. I am looking at a movie with Jack Klugman and Jack Lemmon in it they call it days of wine and roses.

  66. So many comments ought to be here and are not.

  67. I remember now watching a movie that Michael Madsen was in named against all hope.

  68. Alexis Froelich says31 March 2023 at 15:49

    It is similar story to the movie that Jack Lemmon is in. Since it has to do with someone who is a drunkard.

  69. Over a hundred comments that ought to be here said31 March 2023 at 15:50

    Jake Roberts was a drunk and Jerry Lawler dishonored him because of that. I remember that now.

  70. Anonymous saith31 March 2023 at 15:51

    That is true. Because it happened unfortunately.

  71. I have heard about the WWF and WCW having nonprimitive computerized video games.

  72. But no one never questions why we have never seen different wrestling territories have matches where they violently fight each other. They never had the WCW verse the WWF.

  73. That has never been thought of before because everyone is too stupid to think about that what Leroy said. It is true because perhaps wrestling territories and churches are acting like gangs and never want to have anything to do with each other. No one thinks of it that way. But I am right now.

  74. I remember the Undertaker sidestepping Tugboat so he would hit the corner of the ring so he would capitalize on his mistake to jump off the top turnbuckle to win the match by dropping an elbow on him. Maybe he was trying to look like Randy if what I remember is correct.

  75. That is true because it happened.

  76. Damon Snelling saith31 March 2023 at 16:06

    If the Undertaker was a Macho Man Randy Savage wannabe that would be a strange thing to see. Because I am sure I have never heard anyone mention that elsewhere on the nonprimitive internet.

  77. Good matches but no references to that here. What a shame.

  78. When so many of the freedom to speak their minds here they always choose not to. Why?

  79. That was not worded correctly but that makes it painfully obvious the problem here when so many of you out there have the freedom to say almost anything you want here but would rather waste time staring at this and not saying anything. How does that make sense?

  80. Tyra Banks a long time ago had a show. She had a native woman on her show who talked about them being the invisible people.

  81. Alexis Froelich says31 March 2023 at 16:13

    There is another truth I am sure some out there have forgotten about.

  82. The unrepentant president of North America who still is making his own people homeless by any means necessary whether it is caged as animals in prisons, homeless shelters, group care homes, etc. says31 March 2023 at 16:17

    Because I am not sorry.

  83. Does that sound familiar to even what Donald Trump and Joe Biden are doing?

  84. That is how most governments roll. My favorite quote from Ronald Reagan is that government is part of the problem and not part of the solution to the problem. If he was still alive today, he would not know how right he is.

  85. Ronald was an actor before he became a president.

  86. Gorgeous George was a paid wrestler who was in the Worldly Wrestling Federation.

  87. The comment eraser Jose says31 March 2023 at 16:30

    I have memories of this sport like if a brain buster is not done right that results in the person who hits his head ending up with a stiff neck having to wear a brace even if he lands on a mattress.

  88. The staff member who has a one-track mind working in Satan's boring and hellish residential home to babysit old people with young people who are forced against their will to live their by the U.S. government that listens to Satan and demons says31 March 2023 at 16:40

    That is what we do. Nearly everyone does.

  89. They usually do such one-sided matches in the wrestling where they are paid money to script their matches. Why is that?

  90. When people are forced against their will to be trapped in homes for old people who lost their will to live there with young people who were made homeless against their will to be forced against their will to live there after being made to live in hotels before they arrived there. And their children just think they are a burden to their family. That is what places like that are really like. Whereas the World Wrestling Federation does not use force and intimidation unlike the government to make people watch them against their will. Thank God they are better Christians than Joe Biden is.

  91. The WWF does not make it a point to put as many people as they can in cages. Unlike what other people do.

  92. What professional wrestling does not have in common with governments is that they do not use coercion to make people do things they do not want to do. But all of the world's governments are guilty of that sin because they do love to boss everyone around.

  93. Even listening to music is more fun when listening to it is a choice rather than making everyone listen to it whether they want to or not.

  94. That is the truth.

  95. There used to be three wrestlers who wore tie dyed shirts. That was Billy Graham, Mick Foley and Don Muraco.

  96. They never had a woman who was a paid wrestler do that.

  97. I do not know why at one point in time Don was eating food while wrestling for. What? That does not make sense.

  98. Those wrestlers Hawk and Animal who copied their name from a cartoon calling themselves the legion of doom had a strange look wearing spiked shoulder pads.

  99. Miss Scaglia said2 April 2023 at 16:09

    I think I remember Doink the clown dousing Bobby with water from a bucket. I do not remember which episode that was and I never saw that on television. But I had the misfortune of seeing that on the nonprimitive mechanism that the earthlings call the internet. Why is his name misspelled with an I in it when it is supposed to be spelled as Donk anyway?

  100. Too bad the WWF always keeps changing their introductions when they are being televised on television. That seems to be pointless when they not only change the introductions but also the music as well. That does nothing for me.

  101. Cameron Bishins said2 April 2023 at 16:14

    I have not seen that many movies on TCM that showed Madison Square Garden except for Bullets and Ballots this Sunday Morning. They even showed a horse race but never showed who won first place.

  102. Damon Snelling says2 April 2023 at 16:18

    They would ask the question on the internet about why we cannot all be rich, but no one never even asked that question without putting it on this newfangled contraption.

  103. The Italian residential homeowner who really should be a landlord and not a residential homeowner because he never fixes Satan's residential home where people should not be imprisoned there says2 April 2023 at 16:44

    Today a few paid tennis players are going to play pickleball. Michael Chang, John McEnroe, Andy Roddick and Andre Agassi. I heard about that today because I am watching a nonprimitive television.

  104. Carmina Castiglione who powerbombs Carmine Castiglione to get the duke said2 April 2023 at 16:47

    I remember now Roderick Strong was another one of those shirtless savages they call an athlete who is a paid wrestler.

  105. That game named Super Mario Brothers they are atheists. But so are the wrestlers in the WWF in the cartoon that is named Rock and Wrestling. In that cartoon there are no references to God or anything to do with religion. Hulk Hogan wore a cross when he was in the WWF.

  106. Thus, saith Judith2 April 2023 at 16:54

    Dustin Rhodes used to hold up what appeared to be a placard saying He is coming when he was walking through the audience.

  107. No one hear has never mentioned it yet if the Worldly Wrestling Federation would want to visit Brunei to entertain them if they knew they are still committing the sin of killing people by throwing rocks at them. They call it being stoned to death. They are still stuck in Old Testament times when God told His followers to stone people to death for breaking the sabbath, adultery, witchcraft, blasphemy. Has anyone ever put a comment about if they would in that country considering what they do to homosexuals? I head Darren Young is a homosexual. I do not think he would want to wrestle there to entertain them. I

  108. What no one ever thinks about is if they lost electricity in jails and prisons what they would do without washing machines, refrigerators with stoves and ovens functioning that need electricity to function. They would probably have to use stoves and ovens that they would need to burn wood in to cook and bake their food. And the prison guards and jailers would have to buy washtubs, clotheslines, clothespins and ironing boards to do the clothes of the prisoners. That is how the police there would have to do their clothes if they lost electricity in their homes. And they would have to use candles especially in their cells. They would have to get wood and bark to use to make fires.

  109. Mistress Frankenstein says to her husband and children2 April 2023 at 23:37

    That is a worst-case scenario as you would call it. Because that is the worst that could happen if it is not bad enough that they are being dehumanized by being held as hostages as hostages in Satan's hellish prisons and jails until their ransoms are paid since the police have kidnapped them and Satan's evil and tyrannical government is holding them there as their hostages and slaves. Even Nailz and Ray Traylor who is dead does not know that. None of those people in the Worldly Wrestling Federation knows that what I just said right now.

    1. Zeus says in reply to Mistress Frankenstein2 April 2023 at 23:40

      They never show that and speak of what you just said not even on television.

  110. Why on earth would cowards hiding behind badges and their evil government punish people by making them exercise on treadmills for? What? Does not matter if it is servitude. This is weird. Does even the Big Boss Man think this is how people should be punished for crime?

  111. Russell Barnes said4 April 2023 at 18:14

    Who knows how much time and money is wasted on imprisoning people along with making them into homeless wandering beggars against their will even in North America. They even think pollution is okay as do too many Christians in nearly every country.

  112. Fredericks says4 April 2023 at 18:21

    I usually copy photos from the newspaper onto the nonprimitive mechanism known to earthlings as the internet.

  113. They claim that clothes can experience shrinkage. I have never seen that happen.

  114. A dapper don named Don says4 April 2023 at 20:41

    I remember seeing Fabio Lanzoni on the cover of a Nintendo game named Ironsword Wizards & Warriors II. I looked at that now. I wonder when he decided to pose for their cover of that game.

  115. If the Ascension versed the Legion of Doom, they would get their clocks cleaned since they would brag about how much better they were than them along with thinking they were superior to the Powers of Pain.

  116. Why does Satan want us to have superstitions to sin like devils against Yahweh for? Cuz that is what he does.

  117. I never knew that Lindy Beige even though that is not his real name knows how to juggle flaming torches before till I had the misfortune of seeing it on this nonprimitive mechanism known to earthlings as the internet.

  118. If the Ascension had a two out of three falls match against the Powers of Pain and the Legion of Doom, they would probably lose three times in a row. They would never win once.

  119. Ric Martel and Jim Cornette both could have played tennis together on a tennis court.

  120. Pete Rose married a woman who has committed the sin of posing naked for Hugh Hefner. In other words, she worked for Hugh Hefner when he was alive. Hefner is dead now.

  121. Nobody knows that baseball players who keep batting baseballs into the outfield so that those baseballs drop behind the fences and walls could result in the batters having little red spots on their hands next to their palms. That would only happen if they kept trying to hit home runs which takes a lot of physical exertion to do that and if they do not take long enough breaks between swings when they are swinging for the fences.

  122. Hot chocolate sprinkled on whipped cream topped on coffee looks lovely and tasty.

  123. I have heard about Germans never getting into car accidents. That must mean they do not listen to demons the way Christians in North America do.

  124. Why don't pucks hit nets like soccer balls do and come out of those goals anyway?

  125. Nobody never questions if that ever happens.

  126. Does that ever happen? Have I seen that once happen in the NHL like it would in professional soccer? I don't think so.

  127. I want everyone including you who are reading this to think I am half goat half man which is a lie I have created along with the demons who are my friends whose names have never been mentioned in the bible.

  128. So much truth here that should have spilled over onto the television and into books in libraries and elsewhere.

  129. Grace Anderson5 April 2023 at 05:42

    Once again that is another truth.

  130. More truths to come here as long as I got something to say about it. Because no one here gets enough input after making this blog no one even has the decency to leave a comment which would have been the polite thing to do since we now live in the age of the internet.

  131. Alexis Froelich says5 April 2023 at 05:44

    How many brainless morons are looking at this and not even leaving comments?

  132. Why can't y'all have good manners here and leave your comments here?

  133. The ambulance driver who only takes them to the hospital just so they can become homeless in a hotel for a pastor and the church to pay money for them to live there just so that afterward they can be imprisoned and do a three-year prison sentence in Satan's hellish residential care prison home says5 April 2023 at 05:54

    That is what I do when a liar who takes advantage of her parents by using a lease as an excuse to make them homeless on purpose by threatening them with imprisonment while driving home at night calling on the telephone after having papers with lies given to them about how they want to hurt the owner, supposedly carry out threats, etc. Just a lot of nonsense. That sounds like something Owen Hart did to Steve Austin and also Vince Russo to Jim Cornette probably making up lies about how they will carry out their threats using Satan's restraining order to terrorize them with the threat of imprisonment. Does anything seem familiar here where there is a recurring them going on here?

  134. Demon Snelling says5 April 2023 at 05:55

    That is what hospitals and drivers of ambulances do to people. Hospitals and their workers are part of the problem.

  135. Pontius Pilate says5 April 2023 at 05:58

    Once again I am right and no one here if they read that comment can refute that. Joe Biden if only you could read my comment right now because you are the problem with why North America is one of the worst countries in the world. Someone should tell him to look at this blog and read this because he owes us all an apology for being another tyrant, we did not need who loves to control us and pull our strings like we are his puppets.

  136. Joseph Favale says6 April 2023 at 23:03

    That was amazing that Brock was able to pick up that rather tall Nigerian and throw him violently off his back and pin him for the three count to get the pinfall victory.

  137. It's a disgrace that Satan's residential hellhole called Gardenbrook in Watertown Connecticut North America today that 18 men and only 4 women. What's up with that? Why does the ratio of men to women have to be 18 to 4 in number?

  138. How many of the Devils residential homes that he wants both the young and old to be trapped and isolated in are this bad anyway?

  139. This is never mentioned.

  140. I would have to wonder why they would write a song saying kill the king for.

  141. Vonne Outhavong6 April 2023 at 23:15

    That saying about often imitated never duplicated is true. Even today wrestling and sports no longer duplicates itself as it was years ago but can only imitate itself as it was.

  142. Marcel Levesque6 April 2023 at 23:16

    I am not related to Jean Paul Levesque the wrestler who is paid by McMahon.

  143. Some people can have the same last name even when they are wealthy renowned people and not even be related. Perhaps Bob Carpenter and Chris Carpenter are unrelated. Bob is an NHL hockey player and Chris is a major league baseball player. Most likely they are not related because they have different ancestors and ancestresses.

  144. That is true. It can happen even in sports.

  145. Claudette says6 April 2023 at 23:22

    Too bad they never show in old shows and movies how they had to wrap foods in cloth such as cheese, butter, meat, grains and sugar. They never even show that in movies on TCM.

  146. Thus, saith Irwin7 April 2023 at 05:58

    It is not nice for someone who is old and walks with a cane to laugh at a youngster when he talks about being around young people like himself.

  147. If that is what they use in their foods, drinks and perfume what they call ambergris is really weird and gross. Basically, they may as well be using dung which is what they call it just as farmers use dung to grow their crops. Why would they want to use something from cows or any other domesticated farm animal just to grow their crops as what they call manure for? What?

    1. That's disgusting. I can tell if I was unfortunate enough to learn about that on the nonprimitive mechanism known to mortals as the internet.

  148. Anthony Anzalone says7 April 2023 at 16:45

    People on this newfangled contraption can never stop showing gross and disgusting stuff.

  149. I am not sure how many movies they have made about mad evil times that is medieval times. But even Tyrone Power must have starred in a movie about Don Juan.

  150. They would not call it mad evil times for nothing.

  151. One of the sanctimonious censors says7 April 2023 at 20:25

    North America may as well be stuck in mad evil times. Because North Americans are obsessed with being mad with evil or they would not listened to Satan the ruler of this world and used Isaiah 29:21 as an excuse to criminalize men who say to cashiers and baristas your bosom and cleavage looks lovely like you do today.

  152. Anyone on this nonprimitive mechanism can ask a nameless and faceless person a question and sometimes get answers.

  153. In this movie on TCM they must have torches that are on the walls in that castle in the movie the lives of Elizabeth and Essex. I have seen that for a while or ever commented on the nonprimitive mechanism known as the internet to the millions of billions of earthlings out there reading my comment right now.

  154. That is unusual that two men were working together with one holding an axe to a large grindstone while the other was spinning it like a large wheel without going anywhere. This I saw today on TCM in A.D. two thousand twenty-three in the month of April on Friday the seventh. And it may always be seen on this same day and month every year this same movie the private lives of Elizabeth and Essex over and over again.

  155. Ian Powers the face slapper who had to violently attack a boy in a elementary school downstairs when the other students were not there says7 April 2023 at 20:40

    I testify to this being the truth because television in this regard is just as repetitive as exercise and sports is.

  156. When John Rambo acted as a five star sheriff and had a dual with his enemy who was in a helicopter who wanted to commit the sin of killing him while he was playing possum in a helicopter that he was in with some prisoners of war he was rescuing where he shot a missile from his bazooka at him before he was able to pull the trigger on his guns to commit the sin of killing Rambo. So, John Rambo committed the sin of killing his enemy before the enemy committed the sin of killing John Rambo.

    1. Dora Scaglia said9 April 2023 at 01:38

      That scene was like a wild west shootout to see who the quickest draw in the west is.

  157. Just as they have had men who are wrestlers do arm wrestling but never have women who wrestle have ever done arm wrestling.

  158. The anarchist Zeus your homeboy says this9 April 2023 at 01:47

    When Ronald Reagan said that government is part of the problem and not the solution to the problem he is correct.

    1. Reagan when he was our president was the problem.

  159. That's true.

  160. Damon Snelling says9 April 2023 at 01:49

    Gorilla got his clock cleaned by Ken Patera who cheated his way to a victory over him.

  161. Joseph Favale says9 April 2023 at 01:58

    People who earn their living working on the nonprimitive mechanism called the internet cannot be on it any longer than cameramen can record people with their video cameras. The guys who work for amazon could work a job for the internet and may do that work full time but sooner or later they have to take a break from it and turn it off.

  162. Wayne says this buddy9 April 2023 at 01:59

    Keep cool fool and don't go to the evil governments prison school.

  163. Castiglione thinks he said this9 April 2023 at 02:02

    People who are employed by the nonprimitive mechanism known to earthlings as the internet cannot hire people. Only people can hire people. Just as they say guns do not kill people. People kill people. But of course, gun do not kill people unless they use those guns to do something other than hunt animals.

  164. Ventura wrestled with Jozef Bednarski just using one arm. They did one armed wrestling with each other. It is a wonder they do not rename arm wrestling and name it instead one armed wrestling.

  165. How he reacted when he lost was stupid.

  166. Lars says this9 April 2023 at 02:25

    Dustin Rhodes, they gave him a bad gimmick in WCW when they called him seven.

  167. Damon Snelling says9 April 2023 at 02:25

    It's true sis.

  168. Why do Christians love making and watching violent movies like Rambo so much for anyway?

  169. Has anyone ever wondered what everyone's love affair with violence with weapons and hitting each other as entertainment is all about anyway?

  170. Lonnie and Bonnie both said in unison9 April 2023 at 02:29

    Hi John.

  171. Tony Halm and Randy do not have the best singing voices. But I have listened to their rap music.

  172. Lion nell says9 April 2023 at 02:33

    John Cena once said that he does not have a good singing voice so he decided to do rap singing which makes sense if you cannot sing like an opera singer. Then why not become a rapper?

  173. He used his own rap music as his music when he goes to the ring which makes John Cena original.

  174. Only so many pro wrestlers use being a rapper as a gimmick.

  175. That's original.

  176. They can only come up with so many original gimmicks.

  177. Lundgren and Stallone have been in a few movies together. But that may not be happening because they are best friends.

  178. Chemistry like that they almost never talk about that on television. They could mention that in professional wrestling but never when it is actors and actresses.

  179. The church says9 April 2023 at 02:41

    We should want people to come to God and not go from Him and go to prisons, homeless shelter, foster homes, orphanages, abortion clinics and group care homes instead.

  180. Satan's wicked and demonic zombie burning in hell for being created by Satan and devils as a zombie9 April 2023 at 02:45

    Because that is what happens to voodooists who do not repent before God for believing in voodoo.

  181. Voodoo is an atheistic religion that does not believe in Gods existence.

  182. I think someone invented the fire hydrant. I wonder if I could learn of its inventor without that inventor having to be relegated to the nonprimitive internet.

  183. Why are so many inventors always relegated to this nonprimitive mechanism known to earthlings as the internet for anyway?

  184. Henrietta said9 April 2023 at 02:51

    I remember now when they say let's put out the welcome mat.

  185. No puck in the NHL that violently hits a net ever comes out of the ice hockey goals unfortunately. That happens though in soccer. But they can only kick soccer balls into goals from thirty-six feet away from those goals and those soccer balls leave those goals traveling thirty-six feet right back to the soccer players who kicked those soccer balls into those goals.

  186. Soccer balls hit nets and come out of goals only because it is 36 feet into the goals and 36 feet leaving the goals. But ice hockey players like Rasmus Ristolainen can shoot a puck from 75 feet from behind one of those circles to the goal and that puck when it hits the bottom of the goal will travel 74 feet leaving the goal and could be moving toward him.

  187. Ed weirdo says9 April 2023 at 03:01

    Too bad that only this thing do they teach people what colors they wear to weddings and funerals.

  188. Catherine Matte9 April 2023 at 03:03

    Willie Nelson was at WrestleMania. I remember now since I am saying that here.

  189. I do not know which WrestleMania. But this did happen.

  190. Chuck Norris was there with the worldly wrestlers of the Worldly Wrestling Federation.

  191. They know that's true.

  192. That is the first time when I posted a comment that it did not jump right down to the bottom of the screen on this blog here.

  193. Some never give 110 percent to do their best, but I do.
